Wilder Canada Action Plan

The Wilder Canada Action Plan is a comprehensive, whole-of-society approach to taking targeted conservation translocation actions for the restoration of Canada’s at-risk species.

Taking Action for a Wilder Future

Over one-third of Earth’s animals and plants at risk of extinction require additional targeted actions to prevent their disappearance and enable long-term recovery; in Canada alone, species-specific conservation translocations are recommended or under consideration for more than 40% of federally-listed species-at-risk with published recovery documents. Following the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), the Government of Canada adopted the Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) as a means to halt the decline of various species and degradation of ecosystems.

Restoring degraded ecosystems and expanding protected areas will not be enough to save and re-establish many of our native animals and plants – they will also require targeted species-specific actions, such as reintroduction, reinforcement and translocation, as well as conservation breeding or propagation, to prevent extinction.   

The Wilder Institute is responding to Canada’s call to action with a visionary 10-year action plan to initiate targeted conservation translocations for animals and plants at risk of extinction – the largest coordinated approach to species recovery in our country’s history. 

The Wilder Canada Action Plan will deliver species-specific solutions guided by the Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Global Species Action Plan to achieve measurable species recovery and help Canada lead the world in meeting nature recovery targets.

Support the Wilder Institute

Canada’s Wilder Institute has one vision: a world where the balance between wildlife and human life is restored. Learn, act, and give to support the Wilder Institute’s work today. 

Together, we can make the world a wilder place.

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